To register as an overseas elector visit Click on the green button ‘Start now’ to begin your application, you should select that you are a British citizen living in another country.
You will need your National Insurance number to hand, and you will need to state when you were last registered to vote in the UK.
Once your application has been processed, you will be contacted in writing to confirm the outcome or to advise whether additional information is needed.
UK overseas nationals are strongly encouraged to apply for absent voting arrangements well ahead of an election. You can apply to vote by post but please note that postal votes are despatched two weeks ahead of the polling day. Ballot papers must be completed and returned to the address provided. Ballot papers must arrive at the destination address by 10pm on polling day.
Alternatively, UK overseas nationals can opt to vote by proxy. This entails nominating an elector in the UK to attend and vote at the oversea voter’s local polling station.
You can apply for a postal vote by visiting or you can apply for a proxy vote at Both methods require your National Insurance number.