About Us

Who we are:

We are a non-profit Association (Organizzazioni con fini culturali e ricreativi), established in 2010. A group of British ex-pats living in Italy at the time felt that there was a need for this type of organisation to assist ex-pats in connecting, promoting our cultural values and assisting with information exchange in support of our fellow Brits residing in Italy.  Led by founder Harry Shindler, we came together and created the Association of British Ex-pats in Italy. 

The Association was inaugurated in 2010 at an official celebration held at the British Ambassador’s Residence, Villa Wolkonsky in Rome  and now has over 80 members and over 2000 followers on Facebook.

Our members are largely made up of British citizens from many different walks of life. We have members who are business professionals, retirees United Nations staff and many more, all bringing their different experiences to our group. We also welcome British and English speaking citizens of other countries to join us at our events, where we exchange mutual experiences and interests in a relaxed atmosphere.

Our Aim:

The aim of the Association of British Ex-Pats in Italy is to provide a physical and virtual forum for British citizens residing in Italy, as well as promoting British interests in the country.

We aim to provide our members with opportunities to socialise, share experiences and network with a range of individuals. We achieve this by promoting and organising initiatives for our group, whilst also remaining in contact with British administrative and cultural offices present in Italy.

Our long term aim is to be a central source of information for all fellow British ex-pats by building a network of British citizens throughout Italy. We also hope to be able to  establish regional groups across the country, so that British ex-pats have a local group near them, wherever they live in Italy

Our Committee currently has 9 members, headed by Pat Butt, our Association President. Committee members are elected at the AGM and serve a term of 3 years (renewable). The committee oversees and manages the administration of the Association. It meets 3 times a year and documented minutes are available and accessible to association members upon request. All committee positions are honorary.

Privacy Policy

Tutela della privacy
Il membro associato fornirà i propri dati personali necessari e utili per l’esecuzione degli obblighi associativi e quelli derivanti da disposizioni normative. La Association of British Expats in Italy conformerà il trattamento dei dati personali alle prescrizioni della vigente normativa in materia di tutela della riservatezza, comprese quelle relative all’adeguamento alle misure di sicurezza (art. 7,13,23 – Dlgs 196/03 Codice della Privacy).

Privacy regulation clause
The member provides such personal data and information necessary for the Association to comply with all regulatory requirements.  The Association of British Expats in Italy will comply with the treatment of all such personal data supplied to it in accordance with existing Italian laws concerning privacy, including those amendments relating to matters of security. (Art. 7,13,23 – Dlgs 196/03 Codice della Privacy).

For additional information, please read out Full Privacy Policy