What we do

The aim of the Association of British Ex-Pats in Italy is to provide a physical and virtual forum for British citizens residing in Italy, as well as promoting British interests in the country.

We aim to provide our members with opportunities to socialise, share experiences and network with a range of individuals. We achieve this by promoting and organising initiatives for our group, whilst also remaining in contact with British administrative and cultural offices present in Italy.

Our long term aim is to be a central source of information for all fellow British ex-pats by building a network of British citizens throughout Italy. We also hope to be able to  establish regional groups across the country, so that British ex-pats have a local group near them, wherever they live in Italy

Upcoming Events & News

Members will receive additional event information in the monthly newsletter.

Register to take part in the next General Election on July 4th 2024

British citizens who have been
living abroad for more than 15 years
can now vote in UK Parliament general elections and by-elections.

Monthly Aperitivo

Contact the Association for information on our monthly aperitivi.

Better than Therapy Book Club & Film Club

For information about our monthly clubs, please contact the Association.
