Application Form

After submitting the form, please arrange to make the appropriate membership payment

Tutela della privacy

Il membro associato fornirà i propri dati personali necessari e utili per l'esecuzione degli obblighi associativi e quelli derivanti da disposizioni normative. La Association of British Expats in Italy conformerà il trattamento dei dati personali alle prescrizioni della vigente normativa in materia di tutela della riservatezza, comprese quelle relative all'adeguamento alle misure di sicurezza (art. 7,13,23 - Dlgs 196/03 Codice della Privacy )

Privacy regulation clause

The member provides personal data and information necessary to fulfil all obligations as requested the Association of British Expats in Italy will conform to the treatment of such personal data supplied in accordance to existing Italian Laws in the matter of Privacy, including those relative to the amendments adapted to security measurements (Art. 7,13,23 - Dlgs 196/03 Codice della Privacy )


Photographs will be taken at selected events and these photos may be used on the website, social media and other means of advertising for the exclusive use of promoting the activities of the association.